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  • Writer's picture365 days at HOME

"Every next level of your life will demand a NEW YOU."– Leonardo DiCaprio

"Every next level of your life will demand a NEW YOU. Sometimes it takes being broken, in order to become the NEW version of YOURSELF." – Leonardo DiCaprio

I reflect this quote to what's happening in the whole world today.

Many of us have frightfully experienced in the midst of this global pandemic. We are reflecting in real-time on how our life undergoes a large-scale transformation into a New Normal. People were not prepared, plus the whole world shook. A normal turn to a NEW NORMAL. This year is a new level of each life. People broke. Unprepared lost someone dearly. Many lost a job. Businesses and companies were knocked off balance, others were already closed. Household finances affected for months and possibly a year. This is the level of our life that requires a new version. Reflect it to your own experience in this time of crisis. I think many of us require a new version of our life. Start it now! 💪💯

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